North Dakota
State Education Agency (SEA) Dyslexia Legislation
Has Legislation?YesHB1461 defines dyslexia and establishes a dyslexia specialist position, pilot program, and screening and intervention requirements.
Required?Yes- Response to Intervention for Student Learning Disability Eligibility in 2010?
- Permitted by guidelines
- Severe Discrepancy for Student Learning Disability Eligibility in 2010?
- Permitted by guidelines
- Student Learning Disability Eligibility (Zirkel & Thomas 2010 Classification)?
- RTI and SD permitted only by guidelines
According to HB1461, “Each public elementary school shall include in the developing and processing of assessments and screening of reading, the core components of phonetic awareness, decoding, and spelling. The screening also must be offered if requested by a parent, legal guardian, or teacher.”
Required?NoNorth Dakota does not have pre-service legislation related to dyslexia.
Required?NoNorth Dakota does not have in-service legislation related to dyslexia.
Required?YesSchools within the pilot program will provide interventions based on screening results. State guidance documents promote MTSS and instruction that is explicit and multisensory.
Literacy State-identified Measurable Result (SIMR) - Part B
Has Literacy SIMR?No
Decoding Dyslexia North Dakota
International Dyslexia Association Upper Midwest
Zirkel, P. A., & Thomas, L. B. (2010). State laws for RTI: An updated snapshot. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(3), 56-63.
Gearin, B., Turtura, J., Kame’enui, E. J., Nelson, N. J., & Fien, H. (2018). A Multiple Streams Analysis of Recent Changes to State-Level Dyslexia Education Law. Educational Policy, 0895904818807328.
Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this page. If you see missing or incorrect information, let us know!
Has Dyslexia Legislation?Yes
Screening Requirement?Yes
Pre-service Requirement?No
In-service Requirement?No
Intervention Requirement?Yes
Has Literacy SIMR?No
The research reported here is funded by awards to the National Center on Improving Literacy from the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, in partnership with the Office of Special Education Programs (Award #: S283D160003). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of OESE, OSEP, or the U.S. Department of Education. Copyright © 2024 National Center on Improving Literacy.