Remote Literacy Learning: Creative Ways to Engage Students

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Remote Literacy Learning: Creative Ways to Engage Students

Create a positive learning environment for students during remote learning with these ideas for creating a safe space and community.

  1. Music:  Ask students about their favorite songs and start each day with music based on their requests.
  2. Rewards: Utilize class rewards and get input from students about what they would like to earn.
  3. Tickets: Have students earn virtual "tickets" and post them on the student's page of your learning management system.
  4. Activities: Incorporate fun activities along with learning - like 60 second sketches, scavenger hunts, show and share, freeze dance, or disappear dance.
  5. Funny Voices: Let the class earn funny voices for part of instruction, or for a recorded reading they submit to you - students can read in a whisper yell, booming voice, or squeaky voice.
  6. Movement: Use GoNoodle activities before or after lessons for a movement break.
  7. Social Time: Have optional social login times for students to build relationships – like a virtual lunch!
  8. Theme Days: Host theme days - like a “Cozy Friday.” On cozy Friday, students can come in their cozies-PJs, sweats, blankets, whatever they feel cozy in.

Suggested Citation

National Center on Improving Literacy. (2020). Remote Literacy Learning: Creative Ways to Engage Students. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Special Education Programs, National Center on Improving Literacy. Retrieved from