About Us
The National Center on Improving Literacy (NCIL), operated by Boston University’s Wheelock College of Education and Human Development with funding from the United States Department of Education, is a partnership among literacy experts, university researchers, and technical assistance providers from Florida State University, and RMC Research Corporation.
Our Mission
To increase access to, and use of, evidence-based approaches to screen, identify, and teach students with literacy-related disabilities, including dyslexia.
To build individual and organizational capacity to assess students’ literacy-related skill, identify students with disabilities or those at risk of disabilities, and fully implement evidence-based literacy programs and professional development.
Our Mission Serves
Parents & Families: Help your child read and write with practical ideas and strategies based on what works.
Schools & Districts: Find evidence-based approaches and effective professional development to screen, identify, and teach students with literacy-related difficulties.
State Agencies: Develop and implement state and local structures and procedures to address challenges that students with literacy-related difficulties face in learning.
The research reported here is funded by awards to the National Center on Improving Literacy from the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, in partnership with the Office of Special Education Programs (Award #: S283D160003). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of OESE, OSEP, or the U.S. Department of Education. Copyright © 2024 National Center on Improving Literacy. https://www.improvingliteracy.org